Arrogance vs Confidence

Beth & I are looking at arrogance today in the love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13.
I used to believe confidence was a form of arrogance. That somehow knowing who you are in Christ and walking in that truth makes you stuck up. I couldn’t be more wrong. It is actually the opposite. There’s a humility found in walking in the fullness of the Spirit and embracing who you are in Christ. There’s a freedom in knowing you’re nothing without Him. 

Arrogance is an outward response to a deep rooted insecurity. It causes people to puff themselves up to the point they believe their own hype. 

Lack of confidence can breed arrogance in the form of a false humility. That then turns into bitterness, which can become arrogance in the form of entitlement. It’s like when you feed a Gremlin after midnight. 

So what’s the answer? I don’t know. To be real? To be honest? To accept that no one in this life owes you anything? Or, to look to Christ. To follow his example of love and service, which will always keep your ego in check. 

For this week’s Beatles cover, I pulled my family into my shenanigans.

Take 1: Levi completely loses it. 

Take 2: Because Levi was upset he laughed and demanded another turn. Even though we thought it was adorable!

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